Historic Racing Sports Car Club

Pukekohe Legends of Speed. 21st-22nd March 2009

What a great time we all had last weekend. Good clean hard racing and great weather.

It was great to have welcomed Ron Wilkin to be with us. His car is a beautifully prepared Elden and is a very welcome addition to our group.

It was good to have Richard Cullen return to racing after his shoulder operation. I enjoyed many dicing battles with Richard.

Vic Clarke has had a great time over recent meetings and has also been involved in many slip streaming and dicing duels.

Tony and Ben were duelling out front and we all enjoyed the new grip hairpin, but Tony and I found that braking at the 50 meter mark was a tad too late.

Tony hasn’t had a chance to fit his “Legal” engine as yet but it will be done over winter.

Series points to date; Major series top 5;

  • Tony Cross 450
  • Bruce McCoy 316
  • Vic Clarke 291
  • Dave Silverton 240
  • Ben Field 214

Minor series top 5;

  • Bruce McCoy 242
  • Tony Cross 238
  • Vic Clarke 212
  • Dave Silverton 178
  • Martin Lucas 158

Here we are again racing on the 5th April and only the two one day events left on our 2008/2009 season. Lets make them ripper events with a good turn out. Graham Walker will be at both events and really looking forward to them.

We had 9 cars entered last weekend out of 21 paid up members of our group, I hope for more this time.

Photos kindly sent to me from Richard.

Richard Cullen 1979 Van Diemen FF chases Bruce McCoy’s 1975 Cheetah

Martin Lucas in his 1980 Van Diemen RF80c FF

Vic Clarkes 1971 Palliser FF

Dave Silverton, 1980, PRS RH02 chased by Vic Clarkes 1971 Palliser FF

Ben Field, 1971 Elden Mk8